The International situation and the anti-imperialist struggle of the PMLI

Here follows the report by Comrade Erne on the current international situation and the anti-imperialist policy of the PMLI, submitted to the 5th Plenary Session of the 5th Central Committee of the PMLI, held in Florence on 11 October 2015.
Dear comrades,
entrusted by the General Secretary of the Party, I now deliver this report on the international situation and the anti-imperialist struggle of the PMLI. Seven years have elapsed since the glorious and historic 5th National Congress of our beloved Party. In the meantime, new things have emerged in the world, some of which were foreseen by the Thesis the Congress approved and by the excellent and far-seeing Report delivered by Comrade Giovanni Scuderi, others, mainly concerning the anti-imperialist struggle of peoples and states, emerged after the birth of the Islamic State (IS). Under certain point of views, this situation is unprecedented, and it is difficult to interpret it also for genuine anti-imperialists and comrades, if without the guidance of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Thought and the PMLI.
Here we should study the main international changes, paying homage and eternal glory to the Red Pens of “Il Bolscevico”, led by Comrade Achille with the constant and fundamental support and inspiration by the General Secretary, as every week they shed a light on internal and foreign politics, and particularly to Comrade Alessandro, who has been in the van of foreign politics for years. Although it is momentarily only on the Internet and no longer on paper, our beloved newspaper, more and more colorful and graphically appealing, every week provides us with the essential basis to understand and interpret today’s world. It is true, as it has been pointed out, that skipping one issue of “Il Bolscevico” is like skipping a meal.
Dear comrades, this report will do its job, then you will have to do yours, speaking at the following debate according to your experience and knowledge, expressing your views freely and without hesitation.
Ever since capitalism became imperialism, between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, as explained by Lenin in his excellent work “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism” of 1916, the exportation of capital has become more important than the exportation of goods, to the point that nowadays circulation of capital on a world-scale, using Internet and new medias, has become frenetic and happens in real time. This financial fluxes flowing at light speed influence governments and economies of entire countries. A huge power is in the hands of big financiers and multinationals, that use it solely to get richer and richer, to make their business more profitable, and to become even more powerful. According to an assessment made by UNCTAD, the trade organ of the United Nations, the 2012 list of the first hundred economic powers in the world according to their GDP includes up to 55 multinational societies and only 45 sovereign states. They are 55 world giants, economically more powerful than many states, controlling communications, information, web, food. Their profits have not been touched by the economic crisis, their tentacles have stretched over the entire world and allow them to easily compensate the decrease of sales in a continent with an increase in another continent. As Lenin pointed out: “Tens of thousands of huge enterprises are everything; millions of small ones are nothing”.
Every superpower, in order to secure its multinationals’ expansion, attacks in every field, including finance, economy, trade, politics and military. Currently, two are the main contradictions in the world. The contradiction between imperialism on the one hand and oppressed peoples and nations on the other, and the inter-imperialist contradiction. The first contradiction, as old as capitalism and imperialism, is inevitably bound to develop and give rise to mass uprisings, national liberation struggles and revolutions.
Today the struggle against imperialism is done in a totally different way than the past century, when Lenin and Stalin’s Soviet Union, Mao’s China and the international socialist camp still existed.
The void that came after them in the struggle against imperialism, due to the capitulation of the old Communist parties and to the attitude of self-styled Communist parties in the countries with ongoing conflicts, incoherent with Marxism-Leninism-Mao Thought, has allowed several Islamic organizations to take the lead of national liberation movements, using ways and means different than those used in the 20th century, when peoples struggled within their own countries against foreign aggressors. Current Islamic anti-imperialist resistance struggles pass the border of their countries and are taken inside imperialist countries. This is why the important Document of the Political Bureau of the PMLI of 10 January this year, after the attacks in Paris, noted this change: “After 9/11 in New York,” it says, “war of resistance against imperialism, in the form of terrorist actions, is waged even inside imperialist countries, and no one can hope to stop it if imperialists do not withdraw from the countries they occupy and rule over. On the contrary, imperialist rulers call for national unity to defend freedom and the ‘values’ of Europe and the West. Actually, they call to defend capitalism, the bourgeois dictatorship, their anti-people institutions and their imperialist and interventionist policies. This call must be rejected in order not to be involved in imperialist wars and in the crimes committed by imperialists on behalf of fake democracy and fake humanity. Every people has the right to self-determination, to independence, and to settle their internal contradictions by themselves. We must struggle against imperialism, particularly against the imperialist European Union and the government of the Christian-Democrat Berlusconi, Renzi, who is on the forefront of imperialist military interventionism.”
An extraordinary Marxist-Leninist brief explanation of the facts, ripping apart the capitalist and imperialist bourgeois penséé unique. On 11 January, Renzi’s foreign minister, the crusader Gentiloni, gave an indirect answer to us in his interview to “La Repubblica”: “Thinking that this threat can be dealt with without intervening, remaining neutral, believing in the possibility to shutting ourselves behind our borders, is a dangerous idea… We must strike, uproot, extract the threat where its roots are deepest, i.e. the Islamic State… Non-intervention is illusory and dangerous, and it would be even more dangerous to think that this doesn’t concern us, that someone else is there to deal with it in your place… A coalition of 60 countries has been set up to fight against the Islamic State. This is why the government demands unity from Parliament, not only to strengthen and reorganize the bodies to fight terrorism inside our country, but also to attack it abroad.” Also the new president of the Republic Mattarella has put on the helmet, as he has echoed him in his oath speech to the Parliament saying that the Islamic threat “is much deeper and wider. The attack is against the fundamentals of freedom, democracy, tolerance and cohabitation. Global threats need global answers. Such a serious phenomenon cannot be fought from the forts of nation states.”
We must acknowledge that a new kind of resistance against imperialist has taken shape after 9/11. Only our Party, alone at national level, and maybe even in the whole world, has perfectly understood this change.
In order to lead people to embrace their imperialist policies, warmongers must exalt the superiority of Western political system and “values” against the “barbarity” of anti-imperialist Islamic fighters, demonize them as bloodthirsty cutthroats, responsible of cruel and groundless crimes against children, women and innocents, never explaining their reasons, their political programs, the content of their denunciations. In a word, they must reverse truth and lies. This is why they never make it clear who are the invading aggressors and who are the invaded victims. No one must know the true reasons of the ongoing war, nor what’s the main contradiction, that is, the contradiction between imperialism on the one hand and oppressed Islamic peoples and states on the other.
We must have no doubt that the ongoing war is not a war of religions, nor a war of civilizations. It is a war between imperialism and oppressed peoples, and what is at stake is the self-determination of Islamic nations and peoples. This war will not end as long as imperialist will keep on interfering in the internal affairs of these nations, plundering them, striking them, invading them, bombing them, imposing puppet governments and organizations on them, as it has been done by the US with the governments led by Kharzai and his successors in Afghanistan, as well as the Shiite government in Iraq.
We Italian Marxist-Leninists must say loud and clear: leave these peoples alone, let them decide their destiny freely, and let them deal with their internal contradictions in autonomy. Then, as if by magic, the clouds of war will disappear.
The nature of antagonism between imperialism on the one hand and Islamic peoples and countries on the other is solely political, economic and military. In this conflict, all of us must take a side. We are on the side of anti-imperialist Islamic fighters, and we support them to the full in their struggle to achieve national independence and sovereignty and freedom from any form of hegemonic occupation and plunder. However, we certainly do not share their whole worldview, nor the horrifying reactionary, obscurantist and feudal social organization they support. We also do not accept all the actions of the Islamic State, for example the aggression against Syrian Kurdistan, where the local Kurdish people demand and fight for autonomy. Although it is filled with the ideology of “libertarian socialism”, anarchism, feminism and the so-called “social ecology”, the People’s Liberation Front led by the PKK—the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, inspired by Marxism-Leninism at first, and then officially led by Ocalan into embracing the so-called theory of “libertarian municipalism” since 1999—represents the legitimate aspirations for the founding of a Kurdish autonomous state, starting from the Rojava autonomous region. After proclaiming its autonomy in 2013, Rojava, not recognized by Assad’s Syria, is made up of 3 cantons, Jazira, Kobani and Afrin, that are resisting against the attacks by IS. On this issue, we condemn the state massacre in Ankara yesterday against the Kurdish people.
Our support to the Islamic State is in no opposition with our rejection of its strategy for an Islamic world and of its religious, political and social principles. We have always said, written and done this way. We have supported and celebrated Khomeini’s Islamic anti-imperialist revolution in Iran, also sending one of our top national leaders, Comrade Dario Granito, to attend an anniversary conference in Tehran on indirect invitation by the then-government of Tehran. We have supported this country until the anti-imperialist presidency of Ahmadinejad, never giving up our Marxist-Leninist principles and ideas on the role of religion as the opium of the people and on the reactionary and obscurantist organization of society. Today we cannot support Iran’s current internal and foreign policy, as it has capitulated to Western imperialist curbing its nuclear program on the one hand, and aims at paying an hegemonic role in the region through political, economic and military intervention, fighting the Islamic State with US imperialism, on the other.
This is what Stalin taught us in his work “Foundations of Leninism”, 91 years ago: “The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism.” Stalin goes on: “For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism … There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step.”
These passages of Stalin’s confirm and, at the same time, update to the current situation a fundamental principle of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Thought, that allows us to take a correct orientation towards anti-imperialist struggles, no matter how complex, peculiar and different from one another they are. As for all phenomena, we must always find the main contradiction, which is the anti-imperialist struggle, the struggle to achieve national liberation from foreign aggressors. This must be unwaveringly and unconditionally supported, giving no credit to imperialist propaganda accusing of terrorism every force or movement that dares to take up weapons and fight against its rapacity and arrogance. At a closer look, these are the same accusations as those Nazis launched at partisans during the resistance war against the Nazi-Fascist monster.
A crossroads is ahead of us, ahead of every true and genuine anti-imperialist: either imperialism or anti-imperialist Islamic peoples. We are facing no other choice. Whether we like it or not, anti-imperialist movements won’t adapt to our subjective desires and aspirations, as they are the fruit of existing contradictions and of the current international situation, where Communist ideology and policies, because of the reasons we already said, are not able to exercise any influence, as opposite to what happened in the past, when Mao was alive and a socialist camp existed.
After years, decades of imperialist wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Libya and throughout the whole North Africa, the revolt of Arabian peoples has led in the end at the proclamation of the Islamic State, which counters occupation war with liberation war, counter-revolutionary terrorism with revolutionary terrorism. The earliest terrorists where US, Israeli and European imperialist armies, that committed unspeakable and unforgettable crimes, including the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people, a heroic people of whom we support the Third Intifada currently ongoing against Israel’s Zionist, Nazi and imperialist invaders, the invasions of Iraq and Libya and the summary executions of Saddam, Qaddafi, their governments and their supporters, massacres in villages, the use of drones, carpet bombings against civilians, children and even hospitals, raping anti-imperialist fighters’ wives and daughters, physical torture against so-called “Islamic terrorists” there and in the prisons of imperialist countries, such as the US prison of Guantanamo.
This war for supremacy and plunder waged by imperialists, who systematically use terrorism, is countered by Islamic anti-imperialists with their own resistance war which also resorts to terrorist actions beyond the borders of their own countries, inside those invading imperialist countries so that they do not feel safe even behind their front. We Marxist-Leninists cannot agree with indiscriminate terrorist actions against innocent people, the cutting of heads and the destruction of archaeological sites. In their shoes, we would act in a different way, but this does not prevent us from understanding their rage and the reasons behind this reaction. Anyway, we must take note of the fact they have not bent their backs to imperialism and are fighting with every means, backed by significant parts of local people. If they were just bloody crazies, we could not explain why they are successful in the war of resistance against imperialism, nor why they have expanded their territory in Iraq, Syria, Libya and where local people and ethnicities very different from each other live, not even why an ever growing number of youth coming from every part of the world, including the US, the EU and Russia is enrolling in its army.
As proven by facts, the Islamic State is the common enemy of all imperialist countries. For some time it has been fought against from the sky by the international coalition of 60 countries headed by the US. Recently it has been bombed in autonomy both by socialist Hollande’s France and new czar Putin’s Russia. At the same time, talks are being held to create a new international coalition, including also Russia, and each of its members work to control Syria once the IS has been eliminated.
All this is something Italy’s genuine anti-imperialists who are still confused or against the Islamic State should think about.
All peoples of the world must united to fight imperialism, supporting each other. Attacking imperialism from all sides and in every part of the world, including its strongholds, means to weaken it, exhaust it, demonize it, divide it, scatter its forces. Each people must focus against “their own” imperialism. The victory of one people is the victory of all the other peoples. We must back all peoples fighting against imperialism, regardless of the forces leading them. We support the countries that stand against blackmail, interference, subjugation, oppression and aggression by imperialism, regardless of the forces that lead them, even if we are against their internal policies and some of their foreign policies. We must strive so that the debt of poor counties may be canceled.
Currently, confusion rules for what concerns information about Islamists. According to Western imperialism, all movements opposing it are criminal and terrorist, but actually they choose the alliances more favorable to them according to the moment.
Recent history saw US-headed imperialists support Afghanistan’s mujahedeen in their resistance struggle against Soviet social-imperialism, only to bomb and invade the very same country after 9/11. The same happened in Saddam’s Iraq, armed and supported in its aggression of Khomeini’s Islamic Republic of Iran, the anti-imperialist stronghold of the time, only to get rid of him and destroy him years later, under the pretext of the supposed existence of “weapons of mass destruction”, and now they support al-Abadi’s Shiite government in its struggle against the Islamic State. The same happened again with Qaddafi in Libya. Imperialism has always been bankrolling reactionary monarchies of the Gulf, mainly Saudi Arabia, and exploits the centuries-long divisions in the Islamic world, starting from the main one dividing Sunnis from Shiites.
Divisions between Sunnis and Shiites date back to the death of the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, in 632 AD. The majority of believers in Islam, Sunnis, currently more than 80% of all Muslims, thought that Muhammad’s religious and political legacy could be inherited by any Muslim considered to have good morality, good doctrine and to be healthy of body and mind. Shiites, on the other hand, held that the successor must absolutely be of the same blood as the prophet. All Muslims agree that Allah is the only god, that Muhammad is his messenger, and that Islam has five ritual pillars, including the month of fasting, Ramadan, and the Quran, the holy book. While Sunnis base themselves on the practice of the prophet and his teachings—“Sunna”, that requires the leadership by a caliph, Shiites see religious officials known as ayatollah as the reflexes of God on earth, and the Imam—literally “he who stands ahead”—as the leader of the Islamic community for what concerns spiritualism, politics, material and social issues, immune from mistakes as he is led by divine will. Shiites also believe that the twelfth and last Imam descending from Muhammad is hidden and one day he will reappear to do God’s will.
Rivalry between Shiites and Sunnis on the political field burst out with Khomeini’s revolution in Iran in 1979, which led to the establishment of a Shiite Islamic theocracy strongly opposed to all the Persian Gulf countries, ruled by Sunnis. The so-called “Shia Crescent” stretches from Iran, comprises Iraq and Assad’s regime in Syria, and reaches Hezbollah in Lebanon, Kuwait and Yemen, and it is against the Saudi Arabia-led Sunni bloc.
The Islamic State, the current Islamic anti-imperialist stronghold proclaimed on 29 June 2014, is Sunni, just as Sunni are also Al Qaeda militias.
Despite events in France last January appear to show analogies and contacts between the two groups, the attack on the Islamophobic magazine “Charlie Hebdo” was claimed by Al Qaeda and committed by two militants of its Yemen organization, while the perpetrator of the attack on Paris’ kosher supermarket said he had swore fealty to the leader of Muslims, Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Al Qaeda’s priority has always been striking the “enemy far away”, that is imperialist West, with terroristic attacks, while the IS aims at consolidating its successes at regional and local level. Every province as its own emir, who is political and military leader at the same time.
Even before the rapid advance of the IS in Iraq, the leader of Al Qaeda, Al Zawahiri himself, had suggested an approach to the caliph in the name of a common struggle, at the time against Assad’s regime in Syria, currently against the international coalition led by Obama’s US, but recent facts have proven the temporary impossibility that these two movements and leaderships unite.
Both are Sunni jihadist groups. Their final goals are the same: elimination of Western influence in the Islamic world; unity of the Umma under a caliph, an authority both political and religious; elimination of the current “apostate” regimes and the groups that do not accept the radical interpretation of Islam, typical of jihadism; supremacy of sharia, the Islamic law, over the “law of men”.
Both the organizations have universal tendencies and recruit foreign fighters. The majority of them comes from Islamic countries, mainly Arab, but there are also Europeans.
Their origins and priorities are also different. Al Qaeda, “the base”, was a product of the mujahedeen, fresh from the fight for liberation against the occupation of Afghanistan by Soviet social-imperialism. It was created by Osama bin Laden as a strongly centralized organization at first, de facto backed by the Taliban regime in Kabul. Its strategy prioritized and still prioritizes the attack against the external enemy, namely the West, particularly the US termed “the Great Satan”. Only after their retire it would have been possible for jihadists to take power. Operative, training and logistic abilities of Al Qaeda have been strongly reduced after US military attacks following 9/11, until when bin Laden was illegally killed in Pakistan. For all intents and purposes, Al Qaeda no longer exists as a centralized organization. Operations have fallen in the hands of several regional groups, fighting for local causes, except for the organization in the Arabian Peninsula, based in Yemen, which has a global strategy. Its head, Egyptian Aymat al-Zawahiri, does not have bin Laden’s charisma, and the central leadership has lost its ability to realize sophisticated and strong attacks. Al Qaeda affiliates in the West act in small groups, mainly on a family basis, hard to infiltrate by imperialist intelligence, or through individual agents.
The IS, on the contrary, was born in Iraq’s Sunni provinces (Anbar, Ninive and Kirkuk) with the name of Al Qaeda in Iraq to oppose US aggression. The alliance between Jordanian al-Zarqawi and the Saudi bin Laden was created in the mountains of Afghanistan after 9/11, despite differences in terms of vision and goals. Al-Zarqawi wanted to expand the influence of Sunni Islam starting from the Middle East, from a territorial base; bin Laden’s territorial goals were less concrete, his battle was more idealistic and global: the struggle against and the hatred towards corrupted West. This hatred for the West, however, was the link that in 2004 led Al Qaeda to back al-Zarqawi’s struggle against US troops in Iraq. This support outlived al-Zarqawi’s death in a US air strike in 2006, as he was succeeded by Abu Omar al-Qurashi al-Baghdadi first, and by the current caliph in 2010. Its rebirth was mainly due to the sectarian policies of the Iraq’s US puppet prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, discriminatory against Sunnis who had ruled the country until Saddam’s fall. It was supported more and more by local masses, and initially took the name of Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), then, after the conflict in Syria started, changed it to ISIS (or ISIL, Daesh in Arabic)—Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or Levant. Its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, at first cooperated with other qaedist formations operating against the Damascus regime, particularly Jabhat al-Nusra (Front of Victory). After the overwhelming victories in northern Iraq, on 29 June 2014 al-Baghdadi proclaimed the Islamic State, irrespective of Iraqi and Syrian borders, proclaiming himself its caliph with the name of Ibrahim. Later on he has concentrated the fight of his militias against the “close enemy” in order to expand his territory. The swift successes in Iraq’s northern and western provinces were made possible thanks to the support by Sunni militias and a number of Saddam’s former officials. The IS has a strong financial foundation. At first funds came from Gulf countries, fearing the Shiite leadership in Baghdad and the alliance it was creating with Shiite Iran. Afterwards it hugely expanded thanks to the seizure of bank deposits in cities seized in Iraq and Syria, to the sale of oil and artworks, to taxes in conquered territories, and ransoms.
As opposite to al-Qaeda, then, the IS has a territory, has shown excellent administrative abilities other than military, and has sophisticated media skills. From the military point of view, it has capable commanders, its regular military force is characterized by extreme tactical flexibility. It is able to use heavy weapons taken from Iraqi and Syrian militaries fleeing from Mosul and other cities that have fallen. This was shown by the seizure of the Iraqi city of Ramadi on 17 May and the Syrian city of Palmira on 21 May after several days of fighting.
Al-Raqqa in Syria is the de facto capital of the Islamic State. Institutions, restored and rebuilt, are providing services. The dam in the capital provides for water and power. Police and soldiers of the Islamic State coming from all parts of the world receive apartments confiscated from non-Shiite Muslims or abandoned. Welfare services are provided, prices are under control, and personal taxes are imposed on the wealthy. There are no taxes on water and power, which are free, and every month a complete food supply is given to the poorer, while medical examination and medicines are free.
The Islamic State does not recognize the UN, as it “has plundered Palestine and established the State of Israel”, nor it does accept the International Monetary Fund that has strangled Muslim nations with million-dollar debts.
The Islamic State has physically destroyed the border between Syria and Iraq as defined by the Sykes-Picot agreement, officially know as Asia Minor Agreement, a secret pact signed on 16 May 1916 between the government of the United Kingdom and France to define their spheres of influence in the Middle East after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in the First World War. Currently it controls a territory as big as the United Kingdom. Through alliances and requests of allegiance to the caliphate, the Islamic State has stepped also in Africa, starting from Libya, whose city of Derna, seized by Ansar al-Sharia’s Libyan jihadists in April 2014, joined the Islamic State in October of the same year. Zuara and Sirte have done the same.
Branded as a mass of terrorists and bloody criminals, Boko Haram as taken the leadership of Islamic anti-imperialism in Africa.
From the Arabic “Western education is a sin”, Boko Haram was established in 2002 by preacher Mohammed Yusuf to fight the Nigerian regime servant of imperialism. With an army of 280,000 men, mainly trained by Afghan Taliban, the group received more than 3 million dollars by bin Laden after swearing its allegiance to al-Qaeda, and started its fight in the north of the big African country, where Muslims are the majority. After Yusuf was killed in a government action in 2009, its leadership was taken by the current leader, Abubakar Shekau, who has swore fealty to the Islamic State.
“Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” in Lebanon, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis in Egypt’s Sinai, Tehrik-e-Khilafat in Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, BIFF (Bergsamaro Islamic Freedom Fighters) in the Philippines have also sided with the IS. A number of other groups, once allied with al-Qaeda, are now divided on whether supporting the IS or not.
Imperialism is not, has never been and never will be a monolithic bloc. Strong and tangled contradictions exist in it, due to opposite economic, financial, commercial, political and military interests of different imperialist countries. These are united in plundering the wealth of world countries and in subjugating their peoples, but divide when the time comes to split the loot. The main dispute is always between the more powerful imperialist countries, especially when balances are broken because of the unequal development of capitalist countries and therefore some of them tries to take control of a larger part of the world. After the long conflict for world hegemony between the US and Soviet social-imperialism, we have seen the rise of the European Union and Japan. Today imperialism sees more than one power able to fight for achieving the imperialist rule over the world. The above-said superpowers have been joined menacingly by China and Russia, while other countries are rapidly gaining ground to have a stronger say, India is among the favorites.
Thanks to a capitalist mode of development initiated by Deng Xiaoping’s “reforms”, based on a wild exploitation of workers and environment to sustain the production-export-capitalization-investment cycle, China, led by the Xi Jinping, president and secretary of the revisionist and Fascist party, is today the first world economy, the first actor in international trade, the first holder of savings, the first country in terms of inbound and outbound foreign investments, the first financier of projects abroad, the first market of raw materials.
China invested 18 billion dollars in Europe in 2014, more than doubled from the previous year. Starting form 2005, Beijing has loaned 120 billion dollars to Latin American countries (56.3 billion to Venezuela, 19 billion to Argentina, 7.5 billion to Ecuador), 1 billion dollars to Zimbabwe in Africa, 30 billion dollars to Russia and 18 billion dollars to Ukraine.
China already owns three major banks specialized in international trade and investment promotion, but also in development aid: China Import-Export Bank, China Development Bank and Sinosure. Taken together, the amount of their credits is higher than the amount of similar bodies in the seven richest countries in the West combined. Now, as part of a new imperialist policy, the leaders of the country are launching five new bodies, all in cooperation with other states. They are the BRICS Bank, with China, India, Brazil, Russia and South Africa; a parallel institution which will have a fund to protect the above-mentioned countries from exchange fluctuations; an investment fund for projects tied to the so-called “New Silk Road”; another investment fund for projects in countries that are part of the so-called Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO Development Fund), that is China, Russia, India, Central Asian countries, Pakistan and Iran, with other countries are observers; and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), despite opposition from the US, which has already attracted the interest of some traditional allies of the Americans, like the UK and Australia. This system by now openly challenges US hegemony over investment policies for the so-called “world development”.
The system of financial imperialism created by the West at Bretton Woods after the war, including World Bank, IMF and World Trade Organization, has been shattered. Emerging countries, now producing 57% of world GDP (2014 data), are strongly under-represented in these organizations. Attempts at reforming the system allowing them to have a stronger say have been fruitless.
Last April, China and Pakistan side a 51 deals for project that will open an “economic corridor” between the two countries. Through these deals, Chinese social-imperialist strengthens trade with Pakistan and at the same time expands its trade space at the expense of its main competitor, the US, opening a way to the Arabian Sea, and securing a more direct way towards Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
In the last three years, no superpower has increased its military budget as much as China, which is effecting an unprecedented arms race. In early March, silence kept by Hu Jintao on arms race for a decade, was broken by the spokeswoman of the National People’s Congress, Fu Jing: “China is a big country and needs an army that can safeguard its national security and its people.” Foreign intelligence services believe that China’s military expenditure might be more than double than official numbers. China in 2014 became the world first arms importer and the third exporter. In five years, Beijing’s arms export has grown of 143%. In 2014 Beijing invested 132 billion dollars in weapons, rising to 148 this year, with a 12.2% yearly increase in arms expenditure. Russia has disclosed that China on 10 May purchased the S-400 anti-aircraft missile system from the former USSR, spending more than three billion dollars. The nuclear aircraft carrier “Liaoning”, purchased four years ago from Ukraine, has been followed a second one, and therefore by December China will have 50 more ships in its navy, the number of its submarines will go from 66 to 78. It will launch more war ships and aircrafts than any other country.
However, in the last three months, the Chinese super-power has understood how capitalism provokes the same effects everywhere. The speculative bubble burst in June, like in the US in 2008, has been allowed to grow uncontrolled by the social-imperialist ruling clique, in order to forcibly lead the country in the race for world supremacy at the expense of small savers, millions and millions of people that were convinced they could become immensely rich by investing all their savings in stocks. The repeated falls of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in August provoked another financial tsunami, with world repercussions. The overevaluation of the national currency, the yuan, that was very convenient to all the other stronger economies, including the US, Europe, Japan and emerging countries, which could count on China’s huge market and its ability to absorb foreign products to push their recovery, could not stand the slowdown of China’s GDP growth from the usual two digits to the 7% which is officially expected for this year.
As a consequence, on promote exportations and competitively, and finding itself in an economic and financial crisis, China has devaluated its currency, barbarity which is natural part of capitalism, already and fully proven by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Thought and history to be disastrous. Also because all the other superpowers count on exports to recover from crises, and this situation cannot but lead to an increase of overproduction crises, speculative bubbles due to the huge mass of cumulated financial capital moving from one country to another in a hunt for the highest profit, as well as trade and currency wars among imperialist superpowers. Qualitatively, although not quantitatively, this situation is similar to the situation before the First World War. In time, as taught by Lenin, it will inevitably lead to military wars to set who can prevail and who must succumb.
Putin’s Russia is also surging forwards and accelerating: military budget grew of 8.1% in 2014, and 15% in 2015 if sanctions and the economic crisis will not prevent it. “If we wanted, we could take Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland until the German border in two weeks,” said the czar of the Kremlin. More arms, starting from the terrible Sukhoi 34 bombers, that together with the huge Tupolev 95 nuclear platforms, have made more than 100 incursions in Europe in the last period, from Finnish and Swedish skies to Portugal.
In the meantime, significant Russian supplies of weapons and soldiers arrived in Syria in September to help Assad’s forces against the advancing IS.
On 13 June, the US announced that they will send 250 M1 Abrams heavy tanks to transport troops, artillery and electronic intelligence, and to join the early deployment of 5 thousand US soldiers in Baltic states, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. In the other side of the world, in the war against the Islamic State, Americans are spending 7.5 million dollars per day.
US-Russia contradictions have burst out on the Ukraine issue. More than one year has passed since the imperialist intervention by US, NATO and EU in the ex Soviet republic, in their rivalry against Russia to decide which monopolies will control the energy resources in the region. A clear and concrete case showing how real the dangers of a third world war are. The constant violations by both parts of the weak ceasefire agreement signed in Minsk, as well as the increase of sanctions against Russia, are indicative of this situations. The Donbass region has fallen hostage of inter-imperialist contradictions. We Italian Marxist-Leninists must support the interests of the Ukrainian people, trapped in nationalist divisions due to ethnic, linguistic and religious particularisms, and support the independence of the country. We must denounce Russian imperialism that has annexed Crimea and demand it stay away from the republics of Donesk and Donbass, which must have their autonomy within the Ukrainian Federation, as well as the European Union- and US-sponsored Fascist government in Kiev, that has equated Communism to Nazism and banned the three self-styled Communist parties.
As a matter of fact, China, Russia and the US are in a race for world domination. China wants to be considered a political protagonist, not only an economic giant and the driving force in Asia. Putin’s Russia, after the humiliations suffered during the years of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, wants to regain the rank of superpower, in Europe above all, in the name of a new nationalist all-Russia ideology. Obama’s US, on their knees after moral, strategic and economic disasters of the Bush age, want to stay relevant everywhere, and to be again the link of the rest of the world, as they were after the fall of Soviet social-imperialism.
Currently, political and military initiative is in Russia’s hands for what concerns Syria and the Middle East. This could aggravate the fight with the US over the hegemony of that country and that key region, up to causing an armed confrontation, inevitably provoking a new world war.
We do not back any superpower in the ongoing conflicts, particularly in Syria and Ukraine, because they are beneficial only to the interests of the bourgeois ruling class and the capitalist economy of those countries, with no benefit however little for their people and the peoples they wish to control. This is why we think certain political forces and movements in Italy that call themselves Communist or Left-wing are making a very serious mistake by directly or indirectly supporting Russian imperialism against US imperialism.
The European Union, on the other hand, has not yet overcome the heaviest economic, productive and financial crisis after 1929, and is trying hard to secure its space in the world. The suffocation of Greece, made easier by Tsipras’ capitulation, has exposed to the full its anti-democratic and anti-people policy, dictated by those monopolies that have strongly pushed for it. Through euro, the ECB and the bounds of Maastricht, the European Union pass the cost of the crisis and its world competition with the US and BRICS on its own workers and people’s masses in the first place, but also on the people of other countries it has been interfering in in the last few years. The curbing of public expenditure to respect the ill-famed deficit/GDP balance imposed by Brussels, in the last years has meant heavy cuts to essential services, like pensions, education, health, public transport, scientific research, infrastructure necessary for development, assistance and welfare. On the contrary, the budget for the state, big companies, private banks, imperialist war missions in all parts of the world, purchase of new arms, or useless “public works”, has not been touched in the least.
Interests of world imperialism are converging on Asia, which houses two of the world’s most populated countries, China and India. Chinese people are 1.300 billions, Indian people are 1.100 billions. Adding Asiatic states doomed to become their satellites, including Japan, South-East Asia with 3.5 billion people is 5 times the population of the European continent, Russia included, 8 times the European Union, 13 times the population of the United States.
Describing the priorities of US imperialism during his visit to Australia in 2013, Obama said: “After a decade in which we fought two wars that cost us dearly, in blood and treasure, the United States is turning our attention to the vast potential of the Asia Pacific region … As the world’s fastest-growing region -- and home to more than half the global economy -- the Asia Pacific is critical to achieving my highest priority, and that's creating jobs and opportunity for the American people.  With most of the world’s nuclear power and some half of humanity, Asia will largely define whether the century ahead will be marked by conflict or cooperation, needless suffering or human progress.  … As President, I have, therefore, made a deliberate and strategic decision -- as a Pacific nation, the United States will play a larger and long-term role in shaping this region and its future. … As we plan and budget for the future, we will allocate the resources necessary to maintain our strong military presence in this region. … Our enduring interests in the region demand our enduring presence in the region.” As a matter of fact, the US have decided a deployment of their military navy so that 60% of their warships will be assigned to the Asia-Pacific region by 2020.
This is the context of the US-China dispute for control over the Pacific archipelagos, Spratly and Paracel islands, a group of islets in the South China Sea, in the waters of Vietnam, uninhabited but with military settlements built by countries washed by that sea and claiming them, from China to Vietnam, from the Philippines to Malaysia. Their importance is due to the fact they are in a sea full of energy resources as well as on essential sea routes bringing goods and oil across South East Asia. Last 30 May, US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter told Beijing that the US would send a fleet of ships and submarines to Chinese facilities under construction, a show of muscle to point out, in his own words, that “the United States want to remain the principal security power in East Asia for decades to come.”
The growing economic integration of South Asia and East Asia strengthened the strategic importance of the Indian and Pacific Oceans as a permanent corridor for global trade and energy. This is why the US want to develop their strategic ties with India. This explains the India-US nuclear deal, the agreements on defence and other fields such as agriculture and education. On the other hand, India can take on the role of decisive ally in containing China. The entire world economy has found a new locomotive in the Indian elephant. A study by “The New York Times” expects 2016 to be the year for a historic surpass: Indian economy will outdo Chinese economy in terms of growth speed.
The US and China are at loggerheads also on the sphere of trade. In order to break China’s trade relations with the countries of this strategic area and open up their markets to American goods and services, the United States are working for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a deal with 11 Pacific countries to create the world’s largest free trade zone. Through the TPP, the US have scored an important point against China.
Again, the US and the European Union have countered China and Russia with the ill-famed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to control the whole world, essentially a free trade treaty between the two areas, which cancels any obstacle preventing American and European big monopolies from trading freely and beating the menacing competition by the other imperialist powers for world leadership—an “economic NATO”, as Hillary Clinton has put it. The TTIP allows for world plunder by multinationals, for bypassing democratic procedures, and for eroding all the rights of peoples and national sovereignty of states, a program for wild privatizations strengthening privileges of the world’s most powerful multinationals at the expense of peoples. The PMLI and “Il Bolscevico” have signed up to “Stop TTIP Italia”. It is our anti-imperialist duty to take active part at this world united front to denounce and fight this new monster of imperialist law, that is being built against to and unbeknown to the people in silence and secrecy imposed by the US and EU.
In a word, through the TTIP the US will closely keep the EU’s interventionist tendencies at bay and open a gap between Europe and Russia in order to avoid a growing economic approach between the two. After the Ukrainian crisis and sanctions against Russia, the EU has not other option than stand and watch, and totally accept the TTIP, important part of the broadest American strategy to weaken Western Europe and divide the whole of Europe to isolate Russia. On the other hand, it is evident that this partnership has a clear role to counter China, which is signing a number of deals and partnerships on the other side of the world that de facto keep US imperialist out of wide areas of the planet.
In the meantime, Japan, extremely weakened by the last economic and financial crises, has revised its constitution to create a military able to support its monopolies throughout the world, eliminating for all intents and purposes the ban on foreign military actions. Early this year, Shinzo Abe’s Right-wing government approved a record increase of military budget, allocating 36 billion euros to the military, in order to side US allies in the Pacific against Chinese social-imperialism.
Circumstances and balance of power are changing in the Middle East too, as we have already seen. Iran under President Hassan Rouhani, after capitulating to world imperialism on the nuclear issue with the agreement signed in Vienna on 14 July, is aiming at the hegemony in the region against the Islamic State. With the gradual end of international sanctions, that penalized Iranian bourgeoisie for years, Iran will have hundreds of billions of dollars frozen abroad at its disposal again, and will be able to resume its full economic cooperation with all other countries. But above all, it will have a seat at the table of local powers, and therefore it will be able to put forward its standpoints and strive for hegemony basing on its economic strength. In fact, the nuclear deal was wanted and envisaged mainly by Obama’s US, now needing such an ally as Tehran to get American imperialist policy in the region out of the impasse due to the appearance of the Islamic State.
Turkey is waiting at least Assad to fall in Syria to put forward local hegemonic ambitions of Turkish imperialism and to deploy all its military strength against the IS. Bombings against IS settlements in Syria on 24 July and granting the US the use of the strategic Incirlik military base are just a taste of what’s to come. We condemn the state massacre at Ankara against the Kurdish people yesterday. Saudi Arabia on the other hand has no ground forces to deploy and finances some groups of the Syrian resistance, hoping the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Shiite axis to fall, and thinks about how to deal with Iran’s expansionism in Yemen. As the Iraqi puppet government is extremely weak, Iran is the one that can play an important role in the fight against the IS, thus becoming a new decisive ally of US imperialism in the region, along with and competing with its traditional allies Israel and Saudi Arabia.
This all shows that the dangers of imperialist war are currently at their most serious stage since the late 1980s. It is all but a world in peace! As long as imperialism exists, world peace will always be in danger. Rivalry among superpowers inevitably leads to imperialist wars, so it was in the past, and so it will necessarily be in the future. No imperialist country can avoid the fundamental economic law of capitalism, that is seeking the highest profit, domestically as well as abroad. This is the law inexorably pushing imperialism to seek world economic dominance, and to imperialist war as a consequence. “World domination is, to put it briefly, the substance of imperialist policy, of which imperialist war is the continuation,” Lenin pointed out. According to Mao, “War is the continuation of politics by other means. When politics develops to a certain stage beyond which it cannot proceed by the usual means, war breaks out to sweep the obstacles from the way.”
Imperialism is present everywhere with its capital, its banks, its multinationals, its factories, its goods, its technology, its bourgeois and reactionary culture, its armies. Its market has no longer any boundaries. As a result, today 963 million people in the world live in poverty. Every 5 seconds a child dies. More than 700 million workers live with less than 1.25 dollars each day, and about 1.200 billion workers have less than two dollars per day. With no contracts nor social welfare, if things will go on this way, two thirds of the world active population will work in these conditions by 2020.
1.300 billion is the number of people who have no access to sources of drinkable water. 85% of available water throughout the planet is used by 12% of world people. 790 million people in poor countries suffer from chronic undernourishment, two thirds of them live in Asia and in the Pacific area. Every year 30 million people starve to death, although foodstuffs are growing faster than population growth and have never been as abundant as today. One fifth of children in the world does not absorb a sufficient amount of calories or proteins. Two billion people suffer from anemia. Two billion people have no access to electric power. Almost one billion people cannot read, nor write their own names. The yearly expenditure for the fight against AIDS, a disease still claiming the 3 million lives every year, is the same as the arms expense for three days. Every wear the world spends 1 trillion dollars in defence, about 352 billion dollars in agriculture and just 60 billion dollars in development aid. For each dollar spent in development aid, 10 dollars are spent for weapons.
For every dollar of aid they receive, developing countries spend 13 dollars to repay their debts. Seven million children die every year because of the crisis due to public debt in their countries.
According to the last figures released by the UN, fulfilling universal health and food needs would cost 13 billion dollars; about the same amount of money spent every year by the wealthy of the United States and the European Union in perfumes. Collecting less than 4% of the wealth of the world’s 225 richest persons would be enough to guarantee access to basic needs, food, drinkable water, education and medical assistance to the entire world people. The three richest persons in the world have a total wealth superior to the GDP of the 48 poorest countries. The overall income of 50 million rich persons in the world (only 1% of the world populace) is the same as the income of 2.700 billion poor people (57% of world populace). From 2013 to 2014, the 85 richest persons in the world, who have the same wealth as half of the world’s poor populace, have collectively increased their wealth of 668 million dollars per day.
Hunger and misery have caused a Biblical migration that is pouring in capitalist and imperialist countries, where migrants live a bestial life. This situation is absolutely intolerable. We demand governments to open their gates to migrants and refugees and to stop the trade of human lives. Open borders for migrants. Equal rights for native and migrants. Close down concentration and detention places for migrants. Political asylum for all refuges.
Refusal of entry rather than welcoming is the policy of the EU. Viktor Orban’s Fascist government in Hungary has even closed off the country by building barbed wire fences along the border with Serbia and Romania, and repressed refugees with batons.
The armies of imperialist countries must immediately leave the countries where they not only have made economic and social conditions worse and increased the hardships of the civilian population, but also caused an impressive increase in the number of refugees and migrants desperately trying to reach the other shore of the Mediterranean, and often meeting a horrible death.
At the 2nd Plenary Session of the 5th Central Committee of the PMLI, held in Florence on 7 February 2010, Comrade Scuderi said that for the PMLI there are no illegal and regular migrants, but only one category—migrants. And he went on: “For us, racism is as intolerable and unacceptable as Fascism and Nazism.” Our standpoint on this topic is the one that the great teachers of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao have always stood for and taught us, and it is based on three clear principles, that we cannot overlook and that we must hold fast to, if we do not want to fall in bourgeois ideology, with its nationalist, Fascist and racist appendixes, even if we do not realize it: proletarian internationalism must be at the core of the relations between peoples of imperialist countries and those of exploited and oppressed countries, the first in particular must not accept to be turned into tools of this exploitation and oppression in the hands of their neo-Fascist, racist, xenophobic, interventionist and imperialist governments.
Class solidarity must be at the core of relations between native workers and migrant workers. From a far-seeing and collective point of view, not blind nor individualist, they have the same basic interests and the same class enemy against which they must unite their strength to improve and progress together.
Responsibility of mass migrations is of imperialism, including Italian imperialism, which exploits, hungers and provokes wars in poor countries to plunder their wealth and keep them under submission.
It is the ruling class that exploits migrants, easily to blackmail and enslave, as a reserve of low-price manpower, also fomenting rivalry and racial hatred with other workers in order to divide the masses and rule them more easily. The same fate that was expecting our own migrants who went to Americas, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and France. This is what Salvini’s neo-Fascist Lega is doing, spreading racism and xenophobia among workers and the people it can influence, thanks to the ideological, cultural and political desertification left by bourgeois “Left-wing” parties in their incessant drift to the Right. This is exactly the reason why we must reject this twisted argument and push for class solidarity with migrant workers, for their unionization and for their unity in struggle with other workers, in order not to leave them alone as cannon fodder in the hands of slavers, racists and organized crime.
A world of hunger and poverty, then, that sharpens difference between rich and poor in an inexorable way at each cyclic crisis of capitalism and imperialism, such as the one still going on in most of the world. Even stones know by now that these differences can be eliminated only by socialism, with the destruction of capitalism and imperialism.
The best, most concrete and most efficient contribution we Italian Marxist-Leninists can give to the struggle against imperialism is to fight with all our strength against Italian imperialism and the government led by Renzi, this new duce heir to Mussolini, Craxi and Berlusconi, who is running its affairs, until their fall and destruction. Since its very formation, we have denounced its imperialist activism in foreign affairs, aimed at securing a place in the sun in the international stage, quite openly, at very cost. The following are some of its actions. It has backed and voted the Christian-Democrat Juncker as head of the European Commission and the Brussels-imposed “flexible” austerity; it has launched Operation Safe Sea, including the deployment of ships and drones to secure the routes of gas and oil near North African shores; it has met with Putin to reinforce the Italy-Russia fighting unity against the Islamic State; it has suppressed migrants in our country with police charges, the last action was clearing out a camp in Ventimiglia; it has exalted and taken inspiration from the ringleader of US imperialists during the meeting with Obama; it has strengthened imperialist EU during its 6-month presidency; it has sent 4 Tornado bombers in Kuwait to take part at the war against the Islamic State; it has confirmed the Italian military presence in a number of foreign countries, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan, where Italian forces train soldiers to fight the IS and Taliban respectively; it has approved vigilante operations in the skies of the EU eastern borders; it has demanded many times to lead an international military operation against Libya to “put an end to” migration and the bases of the Islamic State; it has taken an active role in strangling the Greek people as part of the EU.
It is significant that, on the first issue of the revived “Unità” newspaper of Renzi’s Democratic Party on last 30 June, Foreign Minister Gentiloni outlined an imperialist “New Mediterranean Order”, with the fight against the Islamic State at the first place. Essentially, Italy sees the Mediterranean as “our vital space”, with Italy’s economic, energy and security interests at stake. Meetings with the Egyptian coup leader el-Sisi and Nazi Zionist duce Netanyahu. If Renzi has strengthen ties with and made our country side with Egypt and Israel against the Islamic State and the aspirations for freedom of the Palestinian people and the Arabian and Islamic peoples of the region, on the one hand, he has openly reasserted Italy’s imperialist role, on the other. While US imperialism is pursuing an alliance with Tehran, Italy under neo-Duce Renzi is looking for its own path.
The attack against the Italian consulate in Cairo on 11 July was only a warning to our government. As opposed to what warmongers Renzi and Gentiloni say, to prevent new attacks from causing sufferings and destructions to the Italian people, it is necessary for Italy to immediately retire from the war against the Islamic State. We cannot accept that Italy’s Tornado bombers bring more death and destruction in Iraq, as Defence Minister Pinotti demanded on 7 October. Neo-Duce Renzi’s government will never have the support of Marxist-Leninists in case Italy gets directly involved.
Fighting against imperialism also means resolutely fighting against all imperialist alliances our country is part of, demanding Italy to leave them in the first place, and then to disband these alliances. To underestimate or to overlook this battle, accept also one imperialist organization, or work as their “Left-wing”, would mean to play into the hands of imperialism and betray the aspirations and struggles of peoples and nations for freedom, liberation and wellbeing.
This is why the PMLI demands to disband the European Union, a monopolistic and imperialist organization, a world superpower. It is all but an achievement of the people of the Old Continent, as Right and “Left” bourgeoisie love to present it. All has been done and will be done over their heads by Europe’s bourgeois ruling circles as it conforms to their class interests and ambition for regional and world hegemony. Those few times when peoples have been called to vote at referendums on specific points, they have strongly rejected imperialist Europe, as shown by the last four people’s referendums (France and Holland said no to the European Constitution in 2005; Ireland said no to the Treaty of Lisbon in 2008; and finally, the Greek referendum in June).
The case of Greece and the betrayal by its Prime Minister Tsipras, who has accepted the diktats and the “blood, sweat and tears” program of Brussels, selling out the great victory gained at the 5 July referendum, have shown one more time that we must destroy the EU, starting with getting Italy out of it, but also that the government proposal and the “Other Europe” project backed by Syriza and by Italy and Europe’s “Left” political swindlers have all went up in smoke.
The PMLI demands to disband the NATO, a military alliance of Western imperialist born on anti-Communism and currently working in the so-called “war on terror” on world scale. The “new strategic concept” says that it can intervene inside and outside its borders, wherever and whenever it considers its allies’ stability and security to be threatened, in every field and sphere, unilaterally and at its incontestable discretion. Under these circumstances, there is no reason to justify its existence. Now we must fight so that Italy leave this imperialist alliance, starting with dismantling its logistic and military base sin our country, that have been used more than once as starting points for military aggressions against sovereign peoples and states.
We are firmly against Exercise Trident Juncture 2015, the biggest NATO exercise since the fall of the Berlin Wall, currently ongoing in Italy, Spain and Portugal, and we condemn the Renzi government for allowing NATO to use bases and ports of Sardinia. At the same time, we endorse and have subscribed to the demonstration that will be held in Naples on 24 October against this military exercise, heralding imperialist wars.
The PMLI demands to disband the UN, no longer meeting the needs that led to its establishment. Imperialism has rewritten the international law at it sees fit, first of all abolishing the ban on interference in sovereign states’ internal affairs, guaranteed by Article 2 of the Charter of the United Nations, replacing it with the “right-duty to humanitarian interference” to justify imperialist aggressions throughout the world. Time has come to put an end to this imperialist organization founded on double standards. A new World Organization is needed, with no permanent and privileged members, no veto right, equal rights and duties, founded on the principles of mutual respect, territorial sovereignty and integrity, equality and mutual benefit.
In the end, imperialism is not as powerful and invincible as it appears. It can be defeated also by a small people as long as they are united, resolute, determined to take up arms and continue the fight to victory. Many historical facts prove this, including the last extraordinary victory by Taliban who have seized Kunduz, one of Afghanistan’s most important cities, despite armed opposition by the NATO and the US and the latter’s bombings, that have committed the umpteenth war crime bombing a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders and causing more than twenty wounded, including three children, in the night of 3 October.
Following these examples of people’s resistance against imperialism, our people, with a great experience of anti-Nazi and anti-Fascist armed struggle, in case Renzi or his successors should lead them in a world war, must set all the streets on fire and even take up arms to prevent it.

14 ottobre 2015